
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Project Hierarchy when using Servlets

As we are dealing with projects in Servlets we follow a standard hierarchy to make the server understands where to go and search when we work on the Servlets.

The following is the folder and file hierarchy to be followed:
  •  - Root folder is the project folder i.e., a folder with the project name.
  •  - Root folder contains all the other files such as .html pages, .jsp pages and dependent files to display the UI to the user in common.
  •  - WEB-INF folder which contains the following sub folders.
  • From now every file and folder related to the project is saved in the WEB-INF folder. Hierarchy may be understood from the following diagram.
  • - classes folder contains all the class files related to the project.
  • - lib folder contains all the additional library files and classes files we have used in the project.
  • - web.xml is known as the deployment descriptor i.e., which contains complete description about the classes we have used with the use of various xml tags available.

Web.xml format will be explained in a separate post where various tags used to build the xml file will be explored.


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